sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


My new journey of self discovery

I feel like I am on a new path. I watched eat pray love with my friends the other night, which also happened to be the night that the old man came over for our very first family time with my friends HOORAY!!! Anyway the movie and him being there led me to new thoughts. I don't know who I am. I have never "found myself" as they say. I am still searching for who the hell Sammi Jo Thompson is! What I am doing here, what I belive, or even what I shouldnt belive. I have no idea where I am going just where I hope to go. I have spent the last 25 years growing up or so I thought,being wild having great sex and not so great sex, going through men like glasses of water. But what has all this gotten me.? Where am I today? No where yet...I am however going some where. Never alone, I can never be alone. I have a constant desire a need to have someone with me. Weather it be a friend or a man which in most cases it is. I am never alone. I have brought back a man into my life who has been the only one I have ever been able to fall in love with, a man who has changed me more than anyone ever has before. I am hoping that he helps me on my road to self discovery, and that he can help me discover just who the hell I am. So here I am hoping to discover just where it is I am going and exactly what I am here for. I think that it is going to be a very long journey. What will I find? I hope I find God because I have always hoped to, and I feel horrible that I have doubted him and wondered if it's true. I want to believe he is there it just gets so hard sometimes. I also hope that I find ME! Why I am here? What I am doing? Who I should love? and overall just what my general purpose on this earth is!!

1:58 a.m. - 2010-12-06


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