sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


HAHA I don't want ya any more!

WOW So this entry is going to be insane.... many interesting things have happened since my last post... lets start with Keith... well.... He calls out of the blue randomly Hi im going to my parents... me okay well thats nice him SHE KICKED ME OUT... In my mind I think this is wonderful! Right...yes for about 3 hours...soo I go out and get him we talk hang out attempt to have sex which I decided I didn't want after he took his shirt off. Thats sad isint it! Then I thought how I love to fuck Jerry and used to love to fuck keith but apparantly thats over. Anyway after the attempted sex I was done with him like totally over it didn't want to deal with him any more... and why do you think this is??? well... HE BROKE UP WITH HIS GF... DUHH... Now I can have him so ofcourse I don't want him this is how it works...I know I don't know why but o well thats the way it always is.n Okay soo that night my wonderful friends and I went out to the bar.. FUN WOO.. anyway Michelle got super drunk and told me she was sorry and started like crying and stuff and we hugged a lot I love her :) hehe shes my bestie still.. Like I just totally miss her. Anyway..I think that is all thought it was very interesting day! Most of my school stuff is finished for the end of the semester. Two weeks bitches its almost over!!!

1:30 a.m. - 2010-04-23


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