sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


Start a Love Train! A love train!

HOLY DIARY BATMAN!! I have not updated in FOREVER Sorry I have been slacking on my diary duties... So Law and Order is on it is 6:02 am I have class at 10 am in one hour I must pick up my mom because she is getting her furnace fixed and shes going to hang out at my house while that happens... So...I had sex.. I hate Joe why is he like amazing in bed. It pisses me off, I dont want to be with him forever but I would love sex like that forever haha... Anyway I wanted to provide you with an interesting fact if I have not already. I was reading something in my book for English and I came across a essay called Bitch.. Okay fine and dandy well on the top of the pages it tells the authors last name and the name of the piece, well her last name is Gross. So it says Gross Bitch! HAHAHA I thought it was so funny, anyway you can tell I have been writing for school a lot I am using way to much puncuation for my diary. I never use it like EVER!! Whats going on? Odd isint it.. .. So...What else to say... I went out the other night O MY LORD LOVED IT! I told Joe I was going to Lucys but really me and her entire family and Michelle went to the bar it was so much fun! I showed my boobs and got beads which I havent done in like years hahaa I am so old. I got a buzz and I drove I was bad I know but the bar is like a road away from my house well not that close but its not super far away and I was like with it enough to drive so I was okay. Anyway I love Lucys family they are so much fun! They adopted me hehe.. everyone always adopts me cause I'm awesome, I am going to start dieting like in moderation. I am going to start one thing at a time and get one of those cleanse things. Then when spring comes I am tanning hehe BAD I KNOW! Getting my hair cut and hilighted and being all sexy! WOO SAMMI! I am like on top of the world what is wrong with me! I have not been this positive outgoing and happy in so long! Its like I feel the real, the old Sammi busting out and busting a move! I think she is secretly dying to get out and to be fun and happy again. Might as well make the best of the situation I am in right? Well anyways Spring Break is holy crap like a week away it starts March 6 but since I have like one class to go to I only have to go today and next week, and the other classes I just do stuff for and woo! Spring Breaks a week away I am like remodeling my bedroom sort of I am getting new stuff and we are going to make it all adult I am excited! Being all adult is fun you get to like match stuff and make it pretty! Umm.. what was I going to say.. O DUH! I am going to an Ozzy tribute concert on March 5th I am excited because it kicks off Spring Break woo hoo!!! Then we might spend the night in Standish and have a lil party thing yay! So I think that is all...Well I guess I shall go! That is all I got I think that was a big enough entry... Love to all!! I will be back soon and leave more of my love haha!!!!

6:02 a.m. - 2010-02-23


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