sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


Bucket Listing

So I made big plans in my last entry for a 5 year plan... well.. I spent a lot of time yesterday thinking. If I am going to move out of this city and state I should make a sort of Bucket list type thing. I will have 5 years to complete it since that is the amount of time I will be spending here. I have been looking around at places Ohio seems to have a lot of nice popular cities deffenitly a possibility. Wisconsin is also another possibility. Lou. Just doesnt seem like something I want to take on in 5 years. I think its to far and to much for me. I dont want to move that far from family. So.... anyway back to the bucket list thing. I am going to start making it. Soon and when I do it will be here I already have some things that I deffenitly want to do. One thing is to get it on with the man!! hhahaha.. I didnt get to do it on new years I have been wanting to for 3 years so thats deffenitly something I need to complete. Number two thing is have an explosive 10 year thing with Jerry because 10 years is a long time. Finish School is deffenitly the big factor to the entire idea. Take lots of pictures of places and people. Be Brave because I could chicken out before this all happens and so far thats it.... more when I get more :)

10:53 a.m. - 2010-01-04


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