sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


they killed our restraunt

Lie to me but please dont leave.... :) 90's Music it is again hehe!!! LOVE IT Makes me smile... Anyway I feel sexy today hahah AND I TOTALLY FOUND THE THEME FOR MY CHRISTMAS TREE YAY!!! HAHAHA Dont make fun of me I am a chrismtas Person... also I was on the phone with my mom she was making her christmas list out for me and she has 14 presents on it because I am amazing and a big spoiled brat and real happy about that hahaha.... Anyway its almost Halloween :) Hooray!! !!! Umm.. we are supposed to go to the bar I am not dressing up... I mean in a costume obviously I will dress sexy for the bar but not in a costume. Ugh.. I have been missing Jerry like EXTREMELY Missing him and havent been able to chat with him every time I call stupid ho face answers or he can't talk... That other night when I saw him made me sad I want to see him more... Im calling him tomorrow and demanding time for me because Im amazing damnit!!! HAHA OMG I saw Mat like we hung out for a bit and I miss him so much he is so cute :) He makes me smile... He was talking to a boy YAY!!! I so want him to have a bf I would be so so SOOOOOOOOO Happy for him. I love him :) O O guess what they closed lil chef to reopen NON SMOKING YUCK... I mean I dont smoke regularly BUT OMG NO MORE CHEF AFTER THE BAR AND NO FUN AT ALL isint that terrible I am so sad... they are trying to make it more of a family restraunt AND THEY DONT STAY OPEN ALL NIGHT ANY MORE I am BROKEN... hahaha... considering the only time we want Lil chef is in the middle of the night. So now we have to trek to Bay City to the texan cause they still stay open all night damnit!!! WOW I cant believe I just ranted about a restraunt like a long period of time I talked about it hahaha but seriously we had lots o good times there:( I met ed and Jay there :) and Michelle told me and Jerry that we were disgusting because we could just look at each other with that I LOVE YOU LOOK and the same night Pat walked in and saw him there with Us and left HAHAHAHHA LOVED IT was fucking awesome... No seriously theres so many good memories in that place ONE TIME WE SAW A MOUSE HAHAHA It was so funny it was like running across the floor... and we were trying to tell the workers with out telling all the people in the room OMG Good times... THIS IS JUST ANOTHER REMINDER THAT IM FUCKING OLD Thanks Lil Chef thanks for reminding me that I am old YOU KILLED THE CHEF YOU BASTARDS...... hahaha OMG SERIOUSLY I was about to type the title of my entry and I thought if you look back into my entries theres more about Lil chef see I guess it has been a part of my life isint that sad haha ok im going now I was about to type wow... I am insane today I am just in a really good mood thinking about Christmas makes me this happy thats good I suppose... So anyway I am off I think I am making a spinach salad for dinner very healthy yes :) wonderful!!! LOTS O LOVE MORE LATER

6:09 p.m. - 2009-10-18


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