sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


Hanging the boob bra in the closet

My day it sucked like sucked so much that I want to die.. lol not really die I am kidding about that. But really I got a flat tire. I did get out of work early and I did get to see the world's greatest man. But he was irritated at my girlisms and fixed my tire for me. Besides that I have been thinking a lot and have come to the conclusion that I want to settle down. Okay not like get married and settle down with a family. But be one of those girls who likes to hang out at home with their boyfriends on a Saturday night and just watch movies and be together. I know I am young and it's to soon for me to be saying this but I am.

I also know that I am going to turn 21 in a few months and want to go out on a mad drinking binge for atleast a night. But then it will be over most likely and I will be at home with my half of a husband. hehe *By Half I mean like all most a husband but not yet a husband.* lol a boyfriend in Freud terms lol... Okay now I am being a smart ass. But yes... it is time for me to put away the boob bra and the care free attitude for a more supportive bra and a new I am in love with my boyfriend and need no one else attitude. I think I am ready for this... It's about damn time I know it is.

9:18 p.m. - 2006-03-10


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