sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


The Fat Circles Future

Okay so I know it's annoying how I go on and on about how we have all grown up and so on. But I am here yet again to say that we have grown up. Last night I sat at a table in Lil Chef ofcourse. But I sat at the table with Tina, Michelle, and Lucinda... with the occasional come over and say hi by Britnie... As we sat and talked I realized how we have all grown up so much. Tina Pregnant Britnie Married. Me announcing my interview at a new job which only holds a promising future, and ofcourse Lucinda tired from work... Michelle well she is just Michelle she has grown up to but there was not any signs last night lol... As we sat there and talked it just occured to me that in 10 years when we reach the age of 30 we will be sitting in the same restraunt talking and laughing about our lives. Only this time Tina will have a baby I should be married and god only knows what else will have happened by then. It was so funny. Funny to see how far we have come in the course of like two years time. We have all grown up and changed a whole lot. We are older more mature and basically ready to start life. Why we weren't ready when we got out of high school we may never know but, one thing's for sure is that it has been enough time and we are ready to go out and start life. We have come so far God only knows what the furture holds for my favorite group of people. Honestly I can wait... for the future but we all know that it will come sooner than we hope!

9:53 p.m. - 2006-03-05


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