sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


6 more months

Diary I know it's been a few days but there hasn't been anything going on really. Nothing out of the ordinary or anything that is spectacular that I should write about. Umm.. Life is the same as usual... working being in love... not cheating REACHED THE 6 MONTH MARK!!! YAY! lol I know I know it's sad that I must brag about this and be happy but its a huge thing for me. So that's why I write about it. Umm my mom is getting half of her thyroid taken out on Wednsday. which means I have to be at the hospital and sit there through yet another surgery. Which in a way sucks but in another is good because she wont be home for the night which is a good thing. But it's not good that she is getting surgery.

Umm... Let me think... there is nothing else going on that I need to write about I don't think so anyway. I wanted to make an entry just in case I don't have the net for a while. I didn't want my diary to be devistated with no entry for a while... It's October... 6 more months... 6 MONTHS... In 6 months not only will I have been faithful for a whole year but I will also get my dream and the most wonderful thing in the whole world will happen... what a way to go a year with out cheating eh have something like that happen... well..I can't wait and I am deffenitly counting down! :) No more wife... only a new life:) I know it rhymed on purpose... hehe I am a dork so I think that I am going to get going now it's kinda early the night is young!

2:29 a.m. - 2005-10-03


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