sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


Selfish Pitiful Me!

Hmm where are we yes.. here we are it is no other than the 10th of July.. the day that shall go down in history as being my 1 year anniversery... I am a little shocked and really amazed that we have come this far. We have been together for a year I am really happy yet, I don't know upset.

This is my speal. I know I probably didn't spell that right and I don't really think I care. Anyway... here I go...Today.. was going well... went to work singing la la la I get to see my baby my anniversery is tomorrow.. *I know this is yesterday but I have not slept so its still today* Anyway back to the story. I talk to my baby.. who tells me his wives daughter got into a motorcycle accident and so on. Okay what do I think NO YOU ARE WRONG NOT OH MY GOD ARE THEY OK! I think oh my fucking god ur not going to spend time with me tomorrow when its like the biggest day of our relationship. We argued and so on and everything was fine. So I go out with my friends someone has to celebrate this and it's surely not going to be him.

Then I walk into lil chef and who is sitting there well the whole fucking family don't ya know. Anyway he tells me to come sit down, and informs me of all that he has already told me but in front of ye old faithful. I nod and say that sucks not really giving a shit and also feeling bad cause he is about to cry and I can't hug him. Anyway I sat there like the entire time they were there just dying to grab him and start making out saying HAPPY ANNIVERSERY!!! Which is obviously the only thing I give a shit about.

Now I am being selfish and I am aware of this fact but I worked so fucking hard to make it this entire year with him and this is something that is really important to me. Now for his side. He is obviously really upset about this and even all most cried *the fucking baby* and I can see this turning into a huge argument because I think he's so stupid for acting like such a baby about it, not only that but I can also see the two of them comforting each other because they need each other and this about kills me. Weather he cares or sees that is a different story.

Now what am I to do today later when he's like I am coming to spend time with you. Am I going to comfort him.. prolly for like two seconds. Then we are going to get into this huge fight and break up on our one year.. do I see this happening... Probably... am I concerned yes a lot... So I am not sure what the day will bring cause though I am being selfish I am kind of pissed off more than I was before I seen him...

DAMN MIDLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4:55 a.m. - 2005-07-10


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