sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


Gone Fishin'

Alright so I am not going to bitch in this entry about how I hate the evil sea witch and how she has my man in "their" House.

In this entry I am going to tell you the hickness in me and some other things. For the last three nights I have been fishing :)I caught a Pike last night and a BlueGill tonight. I love fishing it's so relaxing and it's nice to cast your line out and wait for whatever happens. Last night we all know the dirty DIRTY Titabawassee river eewwww Dioxon A-HOY! Yea I was fishin down at the tridge and got my line caught so I rolled up my jeans and got in. Well needless to say I waded in the water for a long ass time and let it go up to my knees.. It was probably dirty but I did it. So we got back over the tridge and I took my pants off and wandered in my underwear hehe.

On another note it's like 31 days until the Altered Skin Revolution and I am really excited!! Also the next day is mine and my sweeties Anniversery party. It doesn't seem like it but I have been with the old man for all most a year! I am so happy Really thats about it. I think.. I just wanted to make an entry before to long I know the last one sucked...Umm can't think of anything else for now so I am going to go

3:28 a.m. - 2005-05-25


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