sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


Throw it up for McDonalds!

Good Lord Diary! I have not been here in a lil while.. well for a few days my computer was down cause I messed it up. Leave it to me to mess up my single most important piece of technology that I own. Anyway nothing much has been going on. Just realizing my life is full of bi-polar things. First of all my mom has been really moody so I call her bi-polar and she gets all pissed at me. Then I put minutes on my phone and I have more than I am supposed to have so therefore my phone is bi-polar, Then.. My computer works and deletes something I need Theres a bi-polar computer oh and last but not least who can forget my boyfriend yelling at me then in the next breath being super nice to me and calling me honey! Jesus.. What a life! Everything around me is bi-polar good lord.. HELP ME!

Today I had a convention thing for McDonalds at this park it was freezing we sat there in the freezing cold and listened to McDonalds crap. Those people are nuts I tell ya! They had like red and gold beads and all sorts of things. They painted their cars and even Ronald McDonald was there. You would have seriously thought we were back in high school or was it second grade? These people were nuts. I do not understand how a company that makes millions and millions pf people fat can have so much pride! It's like we are great we give people coronaries or something! Nothing else really going on I am really super tired but I am waiting for the old man to call I might lay down till he calls and if he doesn't call by 9:30 I will call him and listen to him bitch but what the hell Not the first time today huh! Sorry this is so boring...

8:19 p.m. - 2005-05-11


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