sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


R.I.P Bud Toner

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Hi diary,

Whats going on? Nothing here I just woke up after having the most horrible night ever. Last night at 8:15 Bud died. R.I.P Bud. I didn't find out until later like 11 something because I went to Art's and asked him how Bud was and he just looked at me. So I went and I hugged Sarica and she cried really bad. It was just a bad night in general to begin with. Everyone was hugging and crying.

Next on the list we took Howard to the store to get my mom beer. Yes Yes I know everyone was getting drunk and being stupid. I know it pissed me off too. Anyway so when we got back from the store who do you think was there. No other than Pat and duh duh duh.... lol Jerry. So I went in talked to Jerry. Pat was leaving and huggin' everyone and she went to hug my mom and my mom flipped out on her.

After she did so Pat started yelling my mom started yelling and I joined in and flipped out on Pat for my enjoyment also. After that me and Jerry were in the kitchen talking and I was on the verge of hitting Pat so I was telling Jerry how much I hated her and blah blah and he tried to calm me down. But it wasn't working he gave me a hug and I stood there flipping out. I told him to get her the fuck out of the house because she was not a part of the family and she didn't need to be causing our famil trouble when Bud was dead and blah blah all he said was he agreed with me.

So Pat left thank god! After telling me I was never allowed to come to her house and after my mom all most killing Howard. Yea needless to say my night sucked then my mom and Sherry argued and shit about Jimmy. Another argument.... Art tried to get into my pants of which he was not succesful at doing so. I came home stayed up all night and cried and here I am awake and I have to work today. I got a ring sitting on my finger from someone and a whole head full of stress my life FUCKING SUCKS!

Anyway.. I am glad Bud is not in pain and I am going to miss him! Love ya Bud!


1:40 p.m. - 2004-12-17


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