sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


My concept on the life of a Human Being

Someone Loves you honey, no matter what just be my girl, someone loves you honey more than anything in the world!

-Charlie Pride-

If I started this with So I would have shot myself so I stopped when I found myself doing that!

Anyway, I am a grown up, I mean I am actually growing up sooo much and it is so weird. I feel like I am realizing things and seeing things in a new light. Its like * I can see clearly now the youngness is gone* Ok that was to stupid, but yes. I made a huge analogy of life and it was awesome. Now I shall try and relay my analogy to you.

Ok Life is to short to be worrying about all these big things that people worry about. Love and Life does not last forever so people need to take time and appreciate the little things that happen. It is those little things that help to shape who we are. Do not hold gruges and do not blame God for things that go wrong. Just know that we have life and while it is here we should make it worth living. Though sometimes we all feel like we can not go on and we want to either take an easy way out or run away from our town deep down we know we will really never leave the things that are most important to us. These things live inside of us and have made us every cent of who we are today. If we run away from these people and these things what are we going to be? Nothing because we are running away from our lives. It is impossible to just start over new and we do not have enough time to just keep starting over. We should not take things for granite but rather appreciate what we do have. So what if we don't have a million dollars or a perfect body (We have a holy one the one of Buddah) We have friends and we have family, and we even have or will have lovers. Though love does not last forever and friends come and go, we will always have our family! Though I wish my friends would stay forever they may not. But there will always be a piece of them inside of me that shaped me and helped to make me ME! I love me for who I am and I love them for helping me to make me ME! Thats all for now maybe Aristotle will stop by later and give you his analogy on life but thats mine!


11:01 p.m. - 2004-11-17


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