sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


Fucking Fathers

I want you I need you but there aint no way that I'm ever ever gonna love you but baby don't be sad cause two out of three aint bad.


I like that song!

It's great! Anyway how is everyone this morning! Yes it is early I stay up every night sleep all day work come home and do it all over again! It blows But anyway I am happy! My party is next weekend! It is going to be awesome! I can hardly wait for it! woo hoo! Party time! hehe..

So Much shit has happened since I last wrote! Yeah I umm.. Went to Buds party and kissed Art which resulted in me and him being together! Yes everyone I am now with Art lol. Good ole' uncle Art! The world is a crazy place isint it? Well anyway yes I am with him tehe.. I am pretty happy about it. It's cool! What else....

I miss Mat I am going to call him tomorrow if I can bring myself to get up before work LOL I have to Michelle is supposed to come over so we can talk about shit! See I screwed up tonight LOL I invited the biker and Art to my party which was dumb yes. But I did so now I have to fix things some how lol! What else I don't know! All I know is I can't wait till next weekend it will be great no matter who goes LOL

I want to run around the block I am so hyper but I should prolly go to sleep.. Hmm.. what do you think? I don't know! But yeah I am alive and Graduated and happy! Plus I picked out my classes for college today that's all cool and stuff! What else do I have nothing I guess LOL So I am off everyone have a nice rest of the day and I promise to write before the party! Love to all!

sexy sammi

4:36 a.m. - 2004-06-18


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