sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


Where the down boys go!

Summer time and the livins easy!


It is unbearably hot! In this school! *breaths in and out heavily* No Not that kind of hot you sick minded little freaks but hot you know what I mean.. In fact it is so hot I should be in the sun! Well anyway I am getting prepared for the rest of my life.

Tonight is my LAST! Orchestra concert I will ever have EVER! It is upsetting yes I admit. Mrs. Schoelles feels it her duty to talk about me which will not help the sadened mood any. Then Saturday is my Senior prom which will be fun but also sad at the same time. Then in like.. hmm... let's say 11 DAYS! School will be all over never to return to the happy life of this high school lover again! There is a lot I am going to miss.. Which I am about to go through with you!

First and foremost I will miss coming in early and sitting at the table with everyone. Our little family always sits and chats in the morning that will be sad. I will Miss seeing my HOMMEL! Ofcourse I am really gonna miss him... I will miss walking through the halls and just wondering around (which I always do) Next I will miss talking to Dr. Frazee and all the other teachers and administrators who mostly love me! I am famous here you know! Lunch is next with the good tots and Michelles run down of the daily log of Woehrle! Yes as strange as it may seem I will miss Woehrle. I am going to miss listening to him lisssp in front of the class and his bad jokes. He is a really funny teacher and deep down I like him.He is cool! hmm... what else.. Well I will miss orchestra though I have dreaded some of the time I have spent in the class I am still really going to miss being in there all the time!...Well let's just say I am really most of all going to MISS MHS! But wait the most importnat thing of all is next! I AM GOING TO MISS MY FRIENDS! I LOVE THEM AND I WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SEE THEM AS MUCH AS I CAN NOW SO I AM SAD!

Ok I want to let you in on some good and funny moments of the year but since this entry is already so long.. I will save that for tommorow! Well anyway so long and thank you for visitng my diary.. Don't forget to tune in tommorow for part 2 of the sad senior series same bat time same bat channel SEE YA!

Senior Sam

12:41 p.m. - 2004-05-13


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