sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


Wouldn't you like some Oanties?

so sadly we goooo away from school not knowing what a fool we have made of ourselves there! We are the greatest friends of all sticking through the years! lal lalala la la la la I will never forget my friends who taught me to pick out underpants!!!

-My Senior Song!-

Hello people how ya doing todayyyy??? I just got home from the malllllll!!!! I went shopping for prom stuff with MICHELLE and LUCY! It was fun I got my GARDER!!! Then I got earings I am all most fully ready for the prom woo woo! I can not wait any way it was fun. We were in Sears and this old fat ugly guy said!.... How are you ladies tonight? Fine we responded under our breaths. But then we continued to talk to each other about boobs *which I have an abundance of around them LOL* So the guy goes if you got them flaunt them. So I continued to talk just to embarass my friends! It was great!

Anyway I had fun! It was great after the guy left I laughed until I cried. But yeah it was great. But after that we rushed and got Lucy to the Northern so she could bowl! *Hopefully she get's a personal best tonight too* *wink Michelle* Oh you are wondering about the title huh! Well it is because that is how Michelle spelled panties which I thought was funny!

But yeah prom is ready to roll! ME AND HOWARD HAVE BEEN TOGETHER FOR 1 MONTH! I am so proud. Well any way problems are occuring in relationships of friends that are close! But hey life goes on! We grow up and live through the disasters! People change *obviously* But when other things happen and they want to come back to you and still be your friend you will be there no matter what! But until then all you can do is let them fly and what happens happens you can't say you didn't try! When the black eyes come and you step in then those friends will know who the true friend is! That's all I am out!

Sammi Jo Jo

10:47 p.m. - 2004-04-26


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