sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


To my Dear Lucy

Don't stop believing hold on to that feeling street lights people whoa whoa whoa whoaaaaa


Okay first of all I want to say happy happy happy St. Patricks day to all of my friends and everyone woo hoo!!! Second of all Dave GOT A JOB!! GO HIM!!! And last of all I am going to dedicate the song and the rest of this entry to my dear friend Lucinda I love her enough to do that! Read SHE BETTER READ THIS OR I WILL SHOOT HER!!!'


There are times when you will feel lonley it is a part of growing up you are right. But don't get down just know that some day there will be that someone on a white horse who makes your heart pitter patter. I know believe me! Sometimes it dosn't happen right away it may even take years! *sorry* But don't get down because you have a group of awesome friends who really love you. So what if you don't have that special someone you have us! The time will come maybe even soon that you will meet someone to cuddle and share your everything with. But don't get sad it takes time! I am proud of you for being the *virgin* It's important that you find that special person who you can love and trust before just givin it all away. I am sorry that you don't have someone but don't cry and don't be sad someone will come along soon! Hell in the mean time if you need someone to hold you come here I will hold you lol! Dry your tears and don't be depressed if you need a friend or someone to talk to call me! I love ya Lucy and having a boyfriend isint everything sure it's nice but it can wait *trust me* Just be happy and have fun now! Your prince will come I promise! I love ya LUCINDA!!!

Lucinda's friend forever *Sammi*

12:49 p.m. - 2004-03-17


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