sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


Childhood music littered with Charles Manson

If you got a lady and you want her gone but you aint got the guts, she keeps nagging that your not in bed enough to drive you nuts pick up the phone leave it alone it's time you made a stand for a fee I'm happy to be your back door man!


Hello it's Friday! I am happy for the most part but confused also. Anyway AC/DC is on the radio so that makes me happy I love dirty deeds I remember being little and jaming in the car to them! They were my favorite band I always wanted to marry the singer. Though he is ugly as al hell I swore one day I would marry him and have his babies! But those were the younger days. Now it's all about marrying some poor guy. I am not into the big rich rockers any more. This makes me sad! I wish I could find a hot rich guy who would love me!! woo hoo hehe... But that will never happen. Anyway the parties at my house! Everyone will be with me tonight it will be nice! We will have fun! I am kind of wondering what to do on other things though I guess tonight while my Tina is lying on my floor I will have to pour my heart out to her like a box of Wheaties hehe... My heart is made of grain! Okay I am being dumb! Anyway I am happy if you look at my quizes you will see that I am Charles Manson! This makes me hyappy I have always Idolized him for some reason! I love the man!!!!!! Well anyway I am off to do something What I do not know I have the whole hour to sit here and be boared what a life huh!


1:35 p.m. - 2004-03-05


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