sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


Blah yes I talked to Steve the man whore

DIARRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hello yes I am here I have not died and yes I need to talk because Tina hasn't updated her diary yet. Okay well Joe broke up with Tina and that sucked I WAS PISSED and wanted to chop his head off. HEHE.... Umm yes it is true regardless of what I did with butt-head. Umm.. Yeah the Steve thing I didn't talk to him for like weeks after I showed him my dress. Then like Thursday night Aunt Di just HAD! to come home and say guess who me and Uncle Harv. seen at the store. So when I said what she said..... JAR OPENER! Grr..... I was like come on Tina were going to Steves and we did and I punched some guy harrrddddd in the arm because he told me to eat two big macs! Fucker he was making fun of my *fatness* Lol is that even a word *Fatness* lol that's funny!!!! Well anyway he told me the truth about what he said and no he is not ready so we will reamain *FRIENDS* Which is okay he can be my buddy. As long as he stops fucking these nasty ho's man he had some ugly ho at his house... EWWW... She was ugglllyyyy!!! LOL But she left when we went to talk I guess she got jealous. But yeah everything there is good. Everything on *my home front* is good to. If ya know what I mean. I went to see God's and Generals Fri. It was awesome I loved it. I knew a lot of stuff that was going to happen it was funny. Well that's all that's been going on it's all most TWO MONTHS!!! until prom that means three till school get's out WOOOO!!!! I can't only help but wonder what's going to happen to me this summer?????? *heheh.....* Okay no sign of library man still so I guess that was just a wink and a smile well I am gone have fun diary!!! much love!!

Jo Jo

3:46 p.m. - 2003-02-23


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