sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


Men are to stupid for their own good

Hello! Still single well kinda. Me and Keith are like together type thing. We have been spending a ton of time together and I love it. I love it when he just lays there and holds me. It feels so good. But yeah that's about all that's been going on. Yesterday Tommy told me that his undercover buddy. Who is not undercover I found out. Is in jail for public intox. So that sucks!! But he also told me that that guy wants to *back my ass up* as Tommy would put it. He said yeah he wants you so bad!! I said hell yeah good cause I want him to. I told him to tell him when he gets out of jail to tell him that I want him god awful bad too!! Last night was nice I ate Ralley's after waiting for an hour for them to give me my fucking food. Then I went and snuggled with my Keith. We fell asleep and Ii didn't get home until like 1:30. So I had a good night. It was really nice to be with him. But yeah I am still single I hate it in a way but in another way I love it. Today I guess Root *Jim* was at Grandma's. Hhe is on a war path trying to find someone's ass to kick. God what is his problem he's always wanting to fight. What the hell is his major Problem. My mom thinks I am jealous of his girlfriend. I'm like no I just can't understand why the hell he would want somebody who treats him like total shit when I treat him like a fucking GOD! I think it's pretty obvious that I really like him and want to be with him. I am sooo fucking nice to him it's unbelievable. I hate it man! Men who I really like can't see that I am like realllyyyy nice to them. They just turn away and go find some other woman who treats them like shit!. What did I do man? I don't get it. Well anyway. Ppaul is here so I am going to bum a smoke from him and go see what trouble I can find over at the park. Have fun diary lot's of love I'll write again soon.!!!!


2:53 p.m. - 2002-10-05


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