sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


The last big one....uhh okay!

Hello how's it hanging a lil' to the right or a lil' to the left. Well I am like totally in a wonderful mood. I know that sounded preppy but I don't give a fuck. I am in a good mood and nobody's going to ruin it. My honey got a place to live today though it's run down and nasty I am happy for him. He's my sweetie. My love for him only grows stronger each day. I do honestly love him but yes I still want to fuck other people. I don't know why it's just my religion or something like that. I guess it's just in my blood. My Grandma fucked around on my Grandpa and my Dad fucked around on my mom. It's in my blood I suppose. I don't know. I do know that I love school. Every day I have fun at school it is like so exciting. I love it and I love all of my classes. Usually I suck at power point stuff but today I like made a kick ass power point all by myself I can't wait to present it to the class. It's going to be so cool. I don't know I am just like totally in love with school this year. I love all of my classes. Especially Anatomy and it's like wonderful....OHH this is my 49th entry I am excited one more to go and I'll hit 50 woo hoo!! My b-day is in 12 day's I am really excited I can't wait I am going to be old. Woo well I don't really have much to write about that's about it for now. Just a bunch of blab! Well have fun and of course I'll be back with more useless info tomorrow. Bye Well I was looking at my diary today and I realized that I fucked up this is my 50th entry DUH!! So hurray and celebrate for me woo hoo!! have fun!!


5:19 p.m. - 2002-09-05


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