sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


Why do things have to be slow and steady when they know I like it HARD AND FAST!

Slow and Steady is the way my ass! That's what my horoscope said. I LIKE IT HARD AND FAST DAMNIT!!! I don't know why they just can't tell it like it is. Slow and steady is the way to be yeah okay for who my Grandma. Speaking of mY Grandma she attacked me yesterday well not physically but she was all yelling at me because I don't want to be with Keith. SORRY BUT I WANT TO BE WITH TEX NOT RANCID MEAT! Lol that sounds so funny it's like damn I think Keith's Milk has gone sour. LOL GOD I'M SO GOOFY. I guess falling in love makes you goofy or something. Last night I stayed up all night! I only slept for two hours. I was busy out visiting my man at his job. Besides I didn't feel like listening to the constant moaning and groaning of my mom and Jimmy. That just doesn't appeal to me. How would she like it if I brought ole' TEX home and layed him like a puppy. YES LADIES AND GENTLEMEN I SAID LIKE A PUPPY!!!! His friend Gary really likes me. he's got it bad for the Rebel. He's from Mississippi. He also talks like a REB. Damn all this Southern men want me hehe...I met Mat's dad last night he was kinda like rude. I wanted to say something but I figured I would keep my mouth shut. I don't want Mat's mom to get mad at me. I was going to tell him he should treat his son better. He was mean to my MATTY I mean damn you come to see your son you should be like all happy and stuff. I held my tongue can ya believe it. I mean yeah it was kinda late but that wasn't it. I love my MATTY!!! ME and his adopted father Tex will take care of him. Ohh did I tell you we adopted Mat as our child. I almost got into a fight last night with Doug Failure the one that talks shit about everyone. But I calmed down and shook his hand just as he promised to talk no more shit about me. OR MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS.!!!! Damn well I guess I should go before I get into trouble. You know if it weren't for songs I couldn't spell some words. LOL Okay I'm off for now have funn!!!!!!!!! Love the Diary!

-sexy rebel-

10:29 a.m. - 2002-07-27


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