sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


Spank me I'm cute and funny!

Hello it's me the happy rebel. I'm sooo happy! I really like that guy that I told you about my Tex. OHH I'm falling in love with him. He is such a sweetie. I really do think that this thing was kinda meant to be. Well he's working where I used to work which is cool. At least he has a job now. Keith is still on my ass about Tex. But ya know what I don't really give a fuck anymore. He's a asshole so FUCCKKKKK HIMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!! *winks at Mat* Only Mat would understand that. It's a Mat and Sammi thing. Kinda like GAY music and the car. Me and my Mat love to jam Gay music in the car like Elton John and Melissa Ethridge. I would so do her. She's hot don't you think so. GOD I'M SO HAPPY!!!! This Texan man that I met seems to be the real man on a white horse. Only instead of armor it's a white cowboy hat. I got a letter from my Harv. Darlin today I was overcome with HAPPINESS to hear what's going on in the Midland County Hole. lol the hole in the wall. That is such a cool store. Wouldn't it be cool if everyone ran their words together likethis thatwouldkickass!!!! But then I guess it would take like an hour to read what someone wrote to you. DAH! DAH! DAH! Does anyone remember that song I really liked it. it was cool. God I want to go back to school it has been really good having time off but I would like to go back now. BUT GUESS what's coming up THE FAIR!!! Ohh the happiest time of the year is fair time. *HAIL TO THE FAIR* I shall surrender to the carnies and the cowboys. They can tie me up and whip me with their bull whips. OHH SPANK ME COWBOY SPANK ME!! *Cowboy spank me away spank me as hard as you can into the wild blue* God I'm soo happy. I have not been this happy in like forever. HEHE This girl that walks really funny is here. I always laugh at her when I see her. She's really dorky to. GOD I'm glad I'm not a dork. THANK THE LORD AND HEAVEN THAT I WAS BORN CUTE AND FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!Uhh that guy is really ugly. Have you ever just looked at someone and said yuck that person is so fucking ugly. I do that all the time. I guess it's just because me and almost all of my friends are so cute. I only have one ugly friend. Her name is Sarica. I love her to death but ohh my god she's fucking Terrifying. I can understand that it's not her fault her whole family is that way. But run for the mountains. Me and Matty call her machine!!! *munch* *munch* She has like the ugliest teeth. But okay enough about her. Damn I feel so mean. She's my friend but damn man I'm telling ya. Have fun diary!!!!!! *I'll be back*



7:14 p.m. - 2002-07-25


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