sexonatable's Diaryland Diary



Fireworks are goooddddddd!!!! I don't know why I just wrote that. I guess maybe it's because my mom just said fireworks. Yeah I'm up north.!! BLAH NORTH!! THE SOUTH SHOULD HAVE KICKED THEIR ASSES!!!!!!!!!!!! But yeah here I am writing in my diary. Were going to the fireworks tonight because people up here are fucking stupid so they have them a day early I guess. Well aint much been going on around my suck ass town of Midland Sean went to jail I think anyway. Harvey is still in jail which sucks. I miss Mat already I was supposed to call him and tell him when I got online but I never did. But ohh well I guess if he gets on he will notice my little ass. That Charlie guy that I was supposed to go out with is really cute. WOO WOO for Sammi!! Sammi always gets the sexy men don't I. That's just my thing. I make the rest of the world jealous with my super man attracting skills. HEHE,...................Well hmm.. nuthin much has been going on the last time I made a entry that computer pissed me off really bad. EVIL COMPUTERSSSSSSSSSS..........!@!!!!!!!!! EVIL I TELL YOU EVIL. Yep Midland sucked so bad that we had to come here. My mom and her blonde way's got lost on the way here like twice. I got two kick ass confederate flags I LOVE THEM SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCCHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Their really cool. Ohh shit Tomorrow is Harvey's birthday. Well I guess I'll just have to send him a letter and tell him HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!! Light off a couple fireworks for him. I haven't heard anything at all from Dave. I don't think that man love's the Sammi any more. I don't know why. I'm Sammi how can you not love me. I am the most wonderful thing to hit the world since sliced bread. My mom is making fun of me because I said Charlie's cute. He is wooo hoo Sammi likie Sammi think he hottie. WOO WOO!! Well I guess that's about all I really have to say. Were going tubing before we leave it will be fun. Charlie is going to go too. That makes Sammi HAPPY!!!!!!!! GOD I'M IN A GOOD MOOD I'VE BEEN IN A GOOD MOOD FOR LIKE TWO DAY'S!! Why I don't know blahhhhhhh!!!!! Did I scare ya. That was my whole goal. Well I guess I better get uhh going. I got a really cool patriotic hat to wear going down the river. I'm going to wear it tonight. It kicks ass. Okay diary you have a good 4th of July I'm going to get on chat before I get offline you bee good okay. BYEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~The happy Rebel~

7:29 p.m. - 2002-06-19


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