sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


Blah and More Blah

Hello I'm done with my exams until tomorrow.I still haven't found my man on the white horse guess he's out saving some other princess right.Well any way my exams have been going well. I hope their good anyway. Not much has been going on I guess. Just the usual going to school and going to work that's about it. I miss my Harvey lot'ssssssss. I had a discussion with Jenny about him. She told me that she doesn't like him nor does she want to be with him. This pissed me off to an extent because she hurt the man that I am so deeply falling in love with while he's gone. I messed up my mom's car. Her door is really messed up we need to buy a new one. It sucksssss ass. Well I feel that I am growing older and more mature well at least to a certain extent. I hate it every second of it. Soon I'll be reading old people's books and sitting in my rocking chair.It blows. I have to work all week which really suck. I hate my job and am soon quitting it for another. I do not believe that people are meant to be slaved over such stupid shit. Fuck them. Well the time is just ticking away while I have the car so I reckon I better go so I can go home and study like a good kid. Have funn I'llwrite something exciting next time


12:24 p.m. - 2002-06-04


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