sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


What I want and why I haven't been here

HELlo It's me I was afraid you would forget who I was because it's been so long. So much stuff has happened. I don't know if I told you about Grandmas friend Harvey or not but he's one of the guys who helped her move into her house. He's really cute. I think he's 42 or something like that. But yeah the first day I met him I wanted him like really bad. But you couldn't guess who he's fucking in love with though. Jenny yes Jenny the one who has to have every single man that I want. Always it never fails and I HATE IT!! But anyway. Me and him are really close he thinks of me more as a daughter and I hate that but hey what can I say about it. I don't mind. Were really good friends he tells me everything and even hugs me really tight when I need it. He's really confusing me though. He says that I'm like his daughter but when we flirt it's like he wants me too but I don't know. Last night Arthur uncle James died it's like our favorite Aunt's husband. She's a big mess. I cried like a baby. Could you imagine one rebel one rebel a day and crying. Two rebels two rebels a day walking in and crying a day then they'll think their fagots and won't take either of them. HEHE.. That's changed lyrics to Alice's Restaurant. I love that song. We listened to it the other day in Humanities. I was all happy. Okay back to Harvey yeah I walked in and started crying and he held me and didn't let go then he started crying because he felt bad. He's really emotional and I love that about him. GOD DIARY I THINK I'M FALLING IN LOVE WITH HIM! Ohh did I tell ya he's also my third cousin. But that's not incest it's to far down the line. I love him a lot he's such a sweetie. Ohh and the whole Keith thing me and him are like kinda together ya know in a summer state of mind. He's amine until Dave gets out. God so much stuff has happened. I got my license if I didn't already tell ya it was easy. Ummm.... I've been hanging out at Grandma's a lot for obvious reasons. It's kinda like we all live together I help roll them cigarettes and Harvey writes me notes when I'm not there. I want him so bad it's not even funny. He know's because I tell him all the time. I think I should take Mat's advice and just jump him when he's drunk. He's always more friendly like in a sexual way when he's drunk too. So that jusssssstttt mighhhhttt work. Me and Mat have been driving around a lot more since I'm legal. Well I am in one way anyway. This guy at work named Todd like really want's me. We have a lot in common but he's really nasty besides right now I'm perusing Harvey. Last night I held his hand until he fell asleep. hehe... Well that's whats been going on only 9 full day's of school left I can't believe it the year has just flew by. Tomorrow night is my last Orchestra concert for the year. Harvey's going. hehe... Well I'm going to go for now. I promise I won't take so long to write next time. I've been wanting too I just haven't I'm so bad. well have fun I'll update ya on my Harvey doll. That's his new name from me. He's my doll okay have funnnn byeee diary I love you

-the happy rebel-

12:55 p.m. - 2002-05-19


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