sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


I'm back in the diary again with a doughnut

FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!! On Sunday I fucked up so bad I was playing with my html and I erased my whole entry. But my PHAT MAT just helped me fix it so it's all better now. YAH FOR MAT!! woo hoo love for angelsexbabyshadow. *I'm just a love machine and I don't work for nobody but you.* WOO HOO!! happiness is what you need so baaaaaaddd god I keep thinking of a bunch of different songs.What's wrong with me. God I'm so happy. Today Grandma is moving into her new apartment. I'm so excited it's like in between Mat's house,the park,and up town. My three favorite places to be. Well the only places I will be anyway. WOO HOO I'm soooo happy. Hopefully big penis Joe comes to town for the summer so we can get it on in my Grandmas new carpet. yeah sex on the new carpet. ohhh yeahh okay I feel all dirty now I mean come on who get's it on in their Grandmas house. Well it's not like she's a normal Grandma she's a alcoholic and she's really wild so I guess I shouldn't feel to bad. Okay what else happened. hmm.. well I don't know I went to school and played around slept and worked all day. woo what a day. I picked Mat up from express mart. and Doug Failure was like talking shit too him. It pissed me off. I mean God I love Doug but JESUS CHRIST Mat is like my best friend and he doesn't need to talk shit about him that pissed me off. I carried a chair up the stairs and cut my finger open. I was bleeding it was ucky. God I love my Grandma's house it's really cool. Well I'm going to go for now I'm off to happy Midland land yeahhhh!!! okay have funn diary I'll let you know what's going on tomorrow probably. HAVE FUNN!! Ohh yeah F.L.I.G That means fat love is good. Fat people unite!! *throws doughnut in the air* I have a sign at work that says that it's funny hehe.... okay i'm going away now tata...


6:01 p.m. - 2002-04-30


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