sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


I got it on *yaaaa baby*

WOW Guess what happened last night. You'll never guess never ever.!!! I GOT LAID!! WOOOO AND IT FELT SO GOOD! IT WAS WILD HOT SEX!!! Me and Keith went out to the ponds together and decided to do a little magic ya know. I loved every waking minute of it. He is just as wild as I am except he likes to take it slow for a while and I like it hard and fast. It was good all though his dick aint all that big someone sure taught him how to use it. He was still hard when I had to go home. All he could say afterwards was WOW!! He said it like 10 times. I was like yeah I'm good and he was like no your magnificent *teehee** I'm awesome ;) I asked him if he liked it and he said no I loved every minute of it. I HAVE OFFICIALLY RANKED MYSELF GOOD IN BED!! Every time I have sex with someone all they can say is WOW now if that's not good then I don't know what is. Hell the first time Dave told me he loved me was right after we first had sex. Damn I'm good. Me and Mat were walking into the library and we seen Mr.Huovinen it was funny I like screamed HI MR.HUOVINEN I sounded like Homer on that one episode of the Simpsons when he says *HERE YA GO!!* HHEHEHE me and Mat say that all the time he found a old letter I wrote to him that said that on it. It's funny. I know that Mat is cracking up now. Ya are aint ya Mat I know it I just do. I'm psychic hehe.. I'm so hyper today I was stuck in traffic like going off on the guy in front of me it was funny. Well I have like ten minutes because I have the car and because I need to go to work. I hope Jason's not mad at me I was supposed to call him last night and go to his hotel with him but to baad BAAA!!! for him because I was bussssyyyyyyy. I have also come to the conclusion that I really should stick with Dave because I love him a lot. I'm smart to I have a C in Humanities hehe I wrote humantities hehehe human tities lol. that's funny. But anyway it's this really hard advanced class. It's really fun though. I am taking my road test next Wednesday that means I'll have my license. Ok I need to go haveeeee funnn and beeeee happyyyy

-really sexy now-

4:52 p.m. - 2002-04-25


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