sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


ex cons, bowling, falling in love, summer, sex , and Jones

Hello It's been a long time and I've done a lot of bullshit since I've written to you. Did I tell ya I met a guy named Keith over at the park kinda ugly looks like my ex-boyfriend. Well me and him have been fooling around and the other night he told me that he was in love with me. *not good* But hey that's fine with me. Me and him are fuck buddys I guess you could say. Just while Dave is gone I need a man to hold me and to take care of me well... sexually any way. The other night at work I met this guy named Jason and we flirted for a long time then Friday night after work we went down to the tridge and made out I guess you could say. He has a huge cock woooo!!!! We were going to fuck but it didn't end up happening but that's okay that's what I have Keith for. I got stoned a few weekends ago down at the park with Hodge and Tarra. It was fun! Lacey was there we drank JONES together ohh the love of Jones lol. hmm... what else happened. Ohh last night me and Mat went bowling it was fun I really sucked like a lot. But regardless it was still fun. Only six more weeks of school I can't wait. FREEDOM IS COMING TO MEEEEEEEEEE WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! I haven't been hanging out in the park all that much mainly because it's been cold. Well that and I've been working. Thank god I have to get that car ya know I can't get it with out money right! God I just wrote a lot really fast. That's really about all that's been going on men falling in love with me work and losing at bowling how exciting huh!! When it warms up I'll have more to write about. Right now I'm crossed between Dave and Keith. I really like Keith a lot but I also really LOVE Dave a lot ya know what I mean. I just want to have both of them. But I know that can't happen so I need to get rid of one well Keith obviously. Okay I'm going to get going so I can play on diaryland. I just thought I should write and let you know what's going on in the life of this worn out rebel byeeeeee!!!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rebel huhhhh....

3:39 p.m. - 2002-04-21


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