sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


A wanting force that can not be destroyed... the teacher

Hi how are you I'm really good and that has everything to do with the fact that Mr.Huovinen looked gorgeous today. He had on nice pant's a silky shirt and his usual sexy body that I have grown to love. His shirt was kinda unbuttoned at the top and he was showing a little chest.. MMM I wanted to eat that up. I just want to thrown him on his desk and RIP!! all of his clothes off and make love to him like he's never had it before. It's really weird because his horoscope says "There is a feeling of temptation in the air today, dear Gemini,that is going to egg you on to participate in things that you know are bad for you. You have the devil on one shoulder and an angle on the other. The decision is yours. Whatever you end up deciding just know that you are responsible for the consequences of your actions. It is fair to blame anyone else for the position that you get yourself in." It's really weird because I have an Orchestra concert tonight and he might come. I'm kinda wondering if that could be where all of this happens.Hmmm...*rubs chin*. well anyway I got my class ring I was really excited it's cute I love it. Today has been good I don't have to work so that's cool but I do have to go play my viola in my concert so that will be fun. Nothing else has been going on but when it does I'll come and tell ya. I still havent got laid a phrase you'll hear all to often hehe... well any way I'm going to go I have to go take Mat home then it's off to the stage for me entertaing our parents for an hour and a half.


4:05 p.m. - 2002-02-25


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