sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


I paid a dollar for my threesome!

I have not updated in a while but theres much to talk about! Lets start from where we left off.. After the fire and daquiris Yum Yum.. well we had another fire it was nice... loved it! Next... Yesterday was very eventful. I visited Keith and messed around with Jerry but..Something else happened. I decided that I want a threesome and they are going to be the participants in my little fantasy. So this took some talking into for Keith anyway. He didn't want to do it and told me that Jerry is a fat old man and he doesnt want to be naked in bed with him. I was like well its what I want so fucking deal with it. To make a long story short I gave him a dollar and he agreed hahaha... So...Next I went to see Jerry ofcourse he aggreed because he totally is into it and has done it before and is just a really kinky old man! HAHA Anyway he said I would love it so I guess we shall see! Anyway onto today... I got my car its a 96 monte carlo. Yes monte carlo my favorite car ever but not the year I wanted but who fucking cares its a nice car and I love it so I am happy damnmit i can't stop sneezing how annoying! Anyway back to the love. So its basically summer even though its been chilly and I am loving it. I have a new car and I am also getting a cell phone hehe ya about damn time!! AND I am having a threesome so what a very eventful summer this should be indeed.. I can hardly wait ofcourse more updates to come.. Promise to keep you on the edge this summer!

1:00 a.m. - 2010-05-12


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