sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


Saying what no one else will

I'm a lumberjack now baby and I'm gonna cut you down to size


Okay well HELLO! How are you I haven't been here in forever! The weekend was nice Friday Everyone spent the night at my house and Neil came to! HE BROUGHT TJ AKA: hot ass boy!! TEHE... Well anyway they all spent the night it was fun we had fun as usual. umm... What else oh me and Tina and Michelle went to the bar well tried to go to the bar Sat. That didn't work but it was funny! We decided that Midland BLOWS the big one becuase we couldn't find anything to do! Soo.... I used my skills tehe.. To get us in to Valley that was fun! Well Easter was really nice I did the usual and I didn't get any candy but I ate a lot that was fun! I also met my cousin who I have never met well I don't remember it any way! He is strange..???? But hey so is the other drunk in my family *who knew we had two* Nothing else is really going on prom plans are blah! Well they are good just confusing... Howard Loves me I got a new bed That girl looks like a hooch and I think Mat was kind of mean by making that Easter entry though it didn't offend me I can definetly see it offending people! Sorry Mat but don't Be so offensive next time! And by the way COME HANG OUT WITH YOUR FRIENDS! Before you fall beyond the outer part of the fat circle! We hang out every weekend at my house you can come sometime! Umm... What else?? I have to go to court tommorow. That will suck the big one. I don't want to go but I have to or I will go to jail and I DO NOT WANT TO GO THERE! Well I think that is about it I have said what's going on what no one else will and it is my time to move on we have a half day anyway GO MHS! Tehe..

Okay that is all I am finished GOODBYE EVERYONE!

Rebel Me

9:41 a.m. - 2004-04-14


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