sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


Give me six for the road

hmm.... hmm.........* * * A song what song...?? Each room has a bed and also a sink so you can wash your dick at the fuckin' gate but be careful at the things that you use because you can get arrested for sex abuse.. whole lot of suckin and fuckin at the fuck shop!

-2 Live Crew-

I feel like I am missing a line of that song but I can't think of it! Well anyway I have ofcourse made it my absolute duty to get some booty! LOL Sorry I had to go tell Tarra because I thought that was pretty funny.

Well anyway in tradition of me being 18 I feel that it is time for me to have sex with one more person you know what I mean 18 and 18 go together like me and Arthur say hehe. Well anyway last night I went to Jam's house with my mumma. We played Uecker *A card game* Can't spell. Well anyway me and Howard flirted a lot a lot. He told me to rape him and I wanted to. Anyway it happened I kissed him hehe.. I do like him because me and him really get along well. Besides I am like Jam's sister allready. We had a lot of fun last night it was great. Well my Keith went up north yesterday for the day he will be back today. But he called me at like 1:30 I was so tired and he was so drunk. I was like grr... to you baby! But I loved it hehe.. Umm.. I am going to go over to Grandma's and surprise him when he comes home tonight.I can not wait to see him! Wow I can not believe I just said that I FEEL A CHANGE COMING OVER ME!!!! hehe.. umm.....Oh guess what I have like 30 minutes until.... SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!! WOO WOO !

I am also feeling bad effects of senioritis! I have been getting really upset about leaving MHS I don't want to but it's starting to effect me because I know that I am going to have to real soon! Wow this entry is huge huh! Sorry Well anyway it's spring break *DRINK BEER* HEHE.. Okay I am off to the liquor store I think I am going to have Keith buy a 6 pack tonight and chug a few down with him just to honor the break! TINA I'll DRINK ONE FOR YA! HEHE....


1:39 p.m. - 2004-03-26


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