sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


All mighty powerful Sammireb.

It's Sammi time boys and girls. Let me allow you to peak into my life! I love Mat I love Tina and Tina and Michelle!! Why because they read my diary huh! That's why.. Well that's not the only reason. Both of the Tina's are good kisers and Mat is my homo lover and Michelle well seh is just Michelle.. Okay well back to what the hell has been happening in my life.. Hmm..... Think *jepordy music* Nothing really I guess. It's just mainly me going to Grandma's house on the weekends and spending time with Keith. I went to see my dad the other night he looked so lonely I am going to have to go visit more often. He made me hot chocolate which was sweet and I rubbed calamine lotion all over his back because he has hives. It made me think about when I was little and I used to scratch his back all the time. *Sigh* Memories of little kid life. Well I hope this is more exciting than the newspapers which rave about Janet Jacksons tit! hehe.. Speaking of newspapers my column is going to be in our school newspaper it's about orchestra. It's really cool I love it! I am really excited about that. Nothing else is going on I need to go out and experience life more. I played cards with Jimmy and his mom. When Howard and the pig got home I hugged Howard and kissed his cheek and talked bad about the Pig she hates me. I think it's because I am cute and she knows Howard may leave her at any minute and run after me hehe.. I am powerful

Sammi the Goddess

12:57 p.m. - 2004-02-04


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