sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


I'mmmm bacckkkkkkk

DIARYYYY HELLO I WANT TO EAT CHERRIOS ON YOU okay I know i spelled that wrong geeze shucks.. Well for the first time in like forever I have an exciting life are you ready I have men and like 5 men.. hehehe... I am back to my old tricks muhahaha.. my old laugh remember that hehe... I am soooo happy so very7 happy. Allright. Well here we go. Well you all know Keith me and Keith are like together and have been since the whole Dave thing went down hill. But theres Howie Jimmy's brother I want him to like really bad. hehe.. But then I went to see Steve and we all know how bad he confuses me. But I don't know he was kind of being like really weird and I don't know if he wants me or not but if he does I will go that way. Then theres Rob at work and I kind of like him but he like reeeaaaaallllyyy likes me a lot and you know I can't tell a guy no so he's being led on. Then I gave a guy named Ron my phone number because I thought he was cute.. This is all crazy five men and one Sammi what can I do. Well I can start cutting off my limbs and handiong out pieces of me to each one of them. I am sure they would atleast be happy to have a piece of me right? Well any way I suppose I should tend to my love life huh I will give you the fill in a couple of days. New Years eve was fun I drank a fith of Whiskey to my head it was great I was happy. So my faithful diary lovers I have again become the crazy Sammi that I was in the past wow it feels good to be back everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sammi the great

8:07 a.m. - 2004-01-05


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