sexonatable's Diaryland Diary


Warning.... I am now mature

And he looked gorgeous the way he did his bowlegged walk up the stairs made me about cum right there in my pants. Right away you could tell he was unhappy when he got up the stairs she began her usual shit. She said he was grouchy *cause he hasnt got laid recently* I thought to myself if he got some sex we would all be smilin right now gimmie a half an hour alone and he will be smilin. I love him I love him I love him I could say it over and over again and it would never be enough. How does it work this way why does he have to be the one that makes me just fall to lil pieces every time he comes near me I melt and smile the biggest smile I can. He makes me soooooooo fucking happy and I just cant explain it. I dont care whoes around when I look at him it doesnt seem that theres anyone else near. Just me and Him.... He said that to me once when we were playing pool he kissed me and he was like shit.. and I was like that was risky and hes like I forgot about everything else around us just me and you... I FUCKING LOVE HIM!@!!!! Omg I just want to be with him all the time I know I havent wrote this big of an entry in forever..... I dont even think I have ever wrote this mature of an entry all of my diary entries are like whiny I want this blah blah I was young and stupid but now that hes got me mature I am in love with him and theres nothing in this world that can deter me from wanting to be with him hes my everything and I just wish I could prove to him that my love is pure

12:45 a.m. - 2008-07-09


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